It is a pill that is becoming increasingly popular for its multipurpose functions. Thus, in addition to being considered a very effective contraceptive pill, it is also an excellent anti-acne treatment. Moreover, it also has other uses, such as fighting against hypertension, water retention and weight gain.
Presentation and effectiveness of Yasmin
Table of Contents
This pill is composed of two hormones: one oestrogen, ethinylestradiol, and one progestin, drospirenone. It contains 0.03 mg of oestrogen and 3 mg of progestin, so it is counted as a very low-dose pill.
Yasmin is a combined oral contraceptive pill manufactured by Bayer laboratories and has been on sale since 2000.
Because it contains a higher percentage of drospirenone, Yasmin is a 4th generation pill. Drospirenone has the advantage of being very similar to natural progestogen, and reduces the effects of water retention that some pills can cause, while also helping the body to retain a natural hormonal balance.
Yasmin is a metered mini pill and comes in the form of a 21-pill packet. It is monophasic. In other words, every pill contains the same progestin and oestrogen content. Yasmin acts primarily on ovulation by putting it to sleep. It also prevents the endometrium from allowing implantation to take place. The hormones thus neutralise the hypo phases effects.
Is it an effective contraceptive pill?
It has a very good Pearl Index. As a reminder, this measures the number of pregnancies per 100 women over the first year of pill use, taking biases into account.
First of all, it has a high index score in both perfect conditions and in normal usage, at 0.09 and 0.57, respectively. We can also see that there is only a small gap between these two scores when compared. Therefore, the confidence index is relatively high compared to other pills.
Who is it for? The benefits of Yasmin
The combined oral contraceptive pill, Yasmin, contains the progestin drospirenone, which naturally increases urinary secretion. This brings about three advantages.
Against water retention
The first is that this progestin, because of its diuretic effect, counteracts the effects of water and salt retention caused by other types of progestin (including older generations) that appear to cause it. Water retention is when the body stores too much water, and can transform into an oedema if we evacuate less water than we absorb. Indeed, this overflow is stored in the tissues and causes an oedema.
This often goes hand-in-hand with salt retention, because salt retains water. It is also due to the kidneys absorbing an excessive amount of salt water. These two substances combine and turn into fat, which can be responsible for weight gain, as well as the feeling of having heavy legs, bloating and breast tenderness. This hormone helps to evacuate more water with the urine and prevents the body from retaining it. This is because it increases kidney activity.
Prevents hypertension
The second advantage is that, by promoting urinary excretion due to its diuretic effect, Yasmin also improves your blood pressure (by helping to reduce the volume of blood the heart needs to circulate) and prevents heart failure (because the amount of blood filtered by the kidneys is increased, and hence the accumulated volume of water and salt is decreased). This may be good for women who are looking for a drug with anti-mineralocorticoid effects, such as those who experience swollen stomachs, ankles and legs in the build-up to menstruation.
Prevents acne pimples and weight gain
Another benefit of this combined hormonal oral contraceptive is that its progestin has a low androgenic effect, which means that Yasmin acts as a powerful anti-acne drug. Women with acne or high androgenic hormonal activity (too much body hair, sebum secretion that produces acne pimples) feel comfortable when using Yasmin because not only is it an effective means of contraception, but it also has aesthetic benefits.
Another benefit provided by Yasmin’s low androgenic effect is that it effectively inhibits weight gain. Indeed, unlike other birth control pills with different compositions (which often make you fat because they cause you to develop an appetite), the progestin hormone in Yasmin actually helps you lose weight!
Besides these diuretics and anti-androgenic properties related to its progestin,
Yasmin also reduces pain associated with menstruation, specifically being dysmenorrhea.
Finally, this hormonal contraceptive method has a very low-dose of oestrogen, so it has no impact on metabolic or endocrine disorders.
How to use Yasmin?

Yasmin pill comes in the form of a 21-pill packet. It is monophasic. Thus, you take the pill every day at a set time for 21 consecutive days. Because all the pills are identical in composition, make sure you keep the order shown on the packet when following the cycle, to make sure that each pill has been taken.
This is because you could, for example, forget having taken it and take it twice (although this has no impact as such on your health or efficiency, it will mess up your cycle), or worse, completely forget to take it and continue as if you were protected, while you expose yourself to the risk of getting pregnant. Remember that if you know you have forgotten a pill, this at least allows you to limit risks by following the procedures (information below).
What dosages are available for Yasmin?
After taking the pill continuously for 21 days (which must, therefore, lead you to finish your packet), you should stop taking it for a maximum of 7 days. You will then experience withdrawal bleeding (like a period).
After 7 days (i.e. the 8th day): you must start retaking your pill by starting a new pack, because even though you are protected against pregnancy during the 7-day break, you will not be protected from the 8th day. It may be that withdrawal bleeding continues beyond 7 days, which still means you should start the next packet, as usual, the day after the break.
We say ‘withdrawal bleeding’ because it is not a period per se, but a fake period. In fact, there is no menstruation because ovulation has stopped and the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian has been put to sleep.
Taking Yasmin, therefore, involves a 21/7-day scheme, with the onset of withdrawal bleeding during the last 7 days when not taking birth control pills.
However, you may decide to delay the onset of your ‘period’, by skipping the break, by linking two pads.
In this case, you take the pill for 42 consecutive days, after which you can resume a normal cycle by observing the 7-day break. You will experience withdrawal bleeding at this point. On the other hand, you can control your withdrawal bleeding’s arrival in the next cycle by shortening your pill break and starting the next pack earlier than usual. The next ‘period’ will hence arrive the same number of days earlier as you started to take the next packet.
Offsetting your period may result in the appearance of spotting or breakthrough bleeding, especially if you shorten the break between contraceptive packets.
What if I want to swap my birth control pill for Yasmin?
Yasmin pill can take over from any contraceptive method or as the first method of birth control. It is imperative that your doctor carries out a questionnaire followed by a health check to verify your background and eliminate risk factors.
You can move from a 2nd or 3rd generation combined pill to Yasmin, by taking the first Yasmin pill on the day after your stop the previous pill.
In this case, you do not observe the week break. If you want to observe the week break, you can take Yasmin no later than the day after the usual 7-day break.
In other words, the same as when you were to start a new packet and take the 1st tablet of your previous pill, but this time it will be Yasmin. This applies if your pill was a 21-day pack. If your pill was 28 days, with 7 placebo pills, you will take Yasmin after the last pill from your old packet.
If your current contraceptive method is a vaginal ring or a transdermal patch: take the first pill of Yasmin on the day you remove your device. You have until no later than seven days, whether this is the day planned to reinsert a vaginal ring or reapply a patch, to take the 1st tablet of your new pill.
You can also choose to change from a progestogen-only contraceptive method to a combined pill such as Yasmin. Whichever method you take, the only rule to observe is to add another non-hormonal barrier method for 7 days.
If you take a progestogen-only pill: You can carry out the change at any time in the cycle.
If you had a hormonal intra uterine device or implant: the transfer should be done on the day you take it out.
If you receive quarterly progestin injections: you should swap over on the day you were scheduled to receive the injection.
If Yasmin is your first birth control method you take it on the first day of your period. In this case, it has been prescribed as a first attempt, and it is likely that 2nd generation pills are not suitable for you, or are not recommended for your health condition. This is possible and justified, so make sure your doctor gives you an explanation, as well as the test results that have been carried out.
If you have suffered an abortion during the first trimester: there are no particular measures to respect when taking or resuming Yasmin. However, if your abortion or birth took place during the second trimester, you have to wait a cycle of 21 or 28 days before taking or resuming Yasmin pill. You need to take a non-hormonal form of contraception during this time.
You can also wait for more than 28 days, in which case you will need to proceed with this non-hormonal contraception until you start taking Yasmin, and still continue for 7 days.
Forgetting your Yasmin pill

Today, there are applications built to avoid forgetting your pill!
Forgetting your pill sporadically can happen, especially at the start, and there are plenty of reasons that this might happen. This can be solved by taking up certain habits, such as having a ritual or setting a phone reminder.
Be especially careful at certain times, especially after the break between two packets and when starting the next packet, which is statistically the most common time in terms of oversight, and when you are biologically most at risk of becoming pregnant.
Therefore, there is a risk involved with forgetting your pill, so you need to adopt the appropriate behaviour to minimise consequences.
Firstly, you should keep the following principles in mind in order to be ready for any eventuality.
The combined pill affects ovulation and the endometrium, which are both usually controlled by the hypothalamus. This is the lower region of the brain. So the pill, which controls the hormonal cycle, does not act retrospectively, but rather works throughout the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system it operates so that the brain continues to secrete the hormones that induce a menstrual cycle. This implies two things:
- Never stop the pill for more than 7 days, especially during the usual break where you see the arrival of withdrawal bleeding.
- Always take a non-hormonal contraception for 7 days when forgetfulness exceeds 12 hours. A condom is a good option.
The approach you will take will depend firstly on the length of time after which you have forgotten to take a pill, and secondly, on the week concerned.

If you remember after less than 12 hours: take the missed pill as soon as you remember, and continue taking the packet at your usual time. Do not skip pills. Remembering within 12 hours keeps you protected from the risk of pregnancy. However, it’s different if you take more than 12 hours to remember, during which time contraceptive effectiveness is impaired.
Regarding delays over 12 hours: you must first locate your time in the cycle.
If it is in week 1: Take the contraceptive as soon as you remember, and in the same way as before, continue taking your birth control pills normally. In this configuration, it may be that you take two pills at the same time, but it does not matter. You must also use an additional non-hormonal contraceptive device, such as a condom, and use it for 7 days because the pill cannot ensure optimal efficiency during this period due to the proximity to the period of interruption, which took place the previous week.
During Week 2: If only one contraceptive pill is forgotten, the same rules apply as for Week 1. You will take the pill as soon as you remember, and you take the following one at the same time as usual (with the possibility of taking two tablets at very short intervals). However, since you are within a week of taking the pill continuously for 7 days, you are not necessarily required to add a non-mechanical hormonal contraception. Of course, this only applies if you have only forgotten ONE pill during this period. If you miss more than one pill, then you must add a condom to protect yourself from a risk of pregnancy.
If you are in week 3 of your menstrual cycle, and you have forgotten one pill throughout the cycle period, you can opt for one of two options without having to add an additional method of non-hormonal contraceptive:
You can choose to take the missed pill and the next one at the usual time and continue taking the pill until the end of the packet. Once arriving at the end of the pack, instead of observing the break, you should chain on the next packet straight away. In this case, you will, therefore, miss a break, and you will not experience the withdrawal bleeding. However, you may notice spotting or bleeding, without having to worry.
On the other hand, you may prefer to trigger your withdrawal bleeding immediately, that is to say, do not take the missed pill or the following one. You will, therefore, have a 7-day break, as usual, but earlier, before starting a new contraceptive packet.
If the forgotten pill is not only one in the cycle to be omitted: then you must follow the first option by linking packets, and secondly, it is essential to use a condom for 7 days.
Know that if during the 7-day break, you do not observe any deprivation bleeding (as is usually the case), this may be a sign that you are pregnant. You need to ensure that you are not by performing a pregnancy test as soon as possible.
Finally, besides oversights, there are other situations that put you at risk, especially when you are sick and suffering from intestinal and / or gastric problems. In this case, you can evacuate the contraceptive pill through acute vomiting or diarrhoea, especially if this occurs within 3 hours of taking the contraceptive before you completely dissolve and absorb the pill.
If this happens to you, the same rules apply as in the case of forgetting a pill.
Side effects associated with the use of Yasmin
Yasmin has a stronger dosage of progestin. However, the progestin hormones in 4th generation combined oral contraceptive pills are deemed to have a lower impact than those of previous generations, as well as having anti-androgenic properties.
Therefore, Yasmin is a mini-dose contraception which has a weaker-acting progestin hormone, meaning that it will not balance the effects of the hormone oestrogen: it is hence oestrogen that drives it.
Thus, despite its progestin climate, it may not be tolerated as well by women with an oestrogenic profile, or those suffering from painful and heavy periods or breast tenderness during the pre-menstrual build-up. This may be accompanied by headaches and nausea. If these problems persist, consult your doctor.
Moreover, it may be some time (three months) before spotting or breakthrough bleeding disappears.
Another side effect leads to genital infections such as candidiasis, which can be caused by taking Yasmin due to the fact it can disturb the vaginal flora. It is common amongst women and usually treatable quickly, so there is no need to worry if you develop a yeast infection.
Beware of the well-known excipients in Yasmin: namely, lactose. It has a very high lactose content of 46mg, which is significant for women who are galactose or lactose intolerant, or who absorb galactose, lactose and glucose poorly (malabsorption syndrome).
Contraindications and risks
4th generation pills are subject to increased scrutiny and attention, because of the risks of thrombosis. If your doctor prescribes you Yasmin after you have had a medical assessment (tension checks, blood pressure, verified health history and risk factors), you need not worry.

A regular doctor’s appointment is indispensable, in order to ensure that your state of health and records are up to date, and whether Yasmin still suits you. In addition, if you have already used Yasmin for over a year without noticing any side effects or new symptoms—in other words, it suits you well and presents you with no risks, then there is no reason to worry or stop taking it.
However, if you notice any of the symptoms below, if you have a family or hereditary history of them, or if you have already developed diseases below, and finally if your behaviour/habits are at risk, stop taking Yasmin and see a doctor.
The risks of venous and arterial thromboembolism are the two most serious risks, as well as the rarest, that are related to using contraception in general.
In view of venous thrombosis, those will evolve phlebitis (formation of a blood clot) or pulmonary embolism (blockage of the pulmonary vessels by a blood clot). If you have a history, then you are at risk.
Other factors can put you in the category of people at risk. For example, there is a risk if you are using anticoagulants. The presence of antibodies (anti-phospholipid, activated protein C resistance, protein C or S deficiency) also exposes you to developing venous thrombosis.
The risk of arterial thrombosis is also to be taken into account, which can evolve into infarctions and strokes. If you have a history or have already developed heart and vascular disease, or had a stroke, you should not use Yasmin.
For example, if you suffer from frequent, repetitive headaches with focal neurological signs, you are potentially at risk, even if you are aware of the particular predispositions.
It is important that you do not give in to paranoia, but simply be aware of how to eliminate risk factors!
Finally, you should also take the following factors into account, as they increase the likelihood of developing thromboembolism: prolonged immobilization, smoking—especially after 35 years of age—diseases such as diabetes resulting in vascular disorders (lesions), high blood pressure, hyperhomocysteinemia (high levels of this amino acid in the plasma), high cholesterol (especially in relation to hypertriglyceridemia and dyslipoproteinemia).
Yasmin does not cause these accidents, but your conditions could provide a fertile breeding ground. Taking this pill will increase the risk of developing these disorders and diseases if there is already a possibility that you could develop them. It is, therefore, useful to know all of the risks beforehand.
Finally, we, therefore, recommend that you avoid taking a combined hormonal contraceptive method if you have other medical conditions, history or strong likelihood of developing hormone-dependent cancers (of the genitals or breasts), or severe liver disease (liver disease) and renal failure.
How do I buy Yasmin online & in UK?

It may take some time to choose a pill before you find one that suits you, and that causes the fewest side effects.
Buy Yasmin Pill in a UK pharmacy
The more traditional way to purchase this contraceptive pill is to make an appointment with the gynaecologist. If your health allows, the doctor may prescribe the pill after conducting a medical examination and verifying your medical history. Once equipped with a prescription, you can then go buy Yasmin in a pharmacy.
Buy Yasmin Pill online
Most women are familiar with the problem that making an appointment with the gynaecologist can prove to be a complicated task, if not impossible. Instead of waiting three months before getting the long-awaited appointment, it is now possible to buy Yasmin online. Indeed, a few years ago, we saw the appearance of online clinic, which will allow you to take a medical examination directly on the internet. This is then verified by a team of doctors. If the medical team agrees, you will receive the prescription and you are able to buy the pill online.
Although this possibility can be very attractive to patients, you should know that buying the pill—and any other prescription medication—on the internet is not allowed in all countries.
Laws concerning the online purchase of prescription drugs differs within the Member States of the European Union. To be certain that you are buying your contraceptive pill on an authorised site, please check with your country’s health agency.
What is the price of Yasmin Pill Online & in UK?
In UK, like all birth control pills, whether or not they treat acne, Yasmin is only available on prescription. Pharmacists are hence allowed to choose the price of the pill at will. Based on their costs and margins, they can then decide to increase or decrease the price. Be aware that the pill is not reimbursed by social security.
Yasmin Price: Buy in a UK pharmacy
In pharmacies, the price for a month of treatment varies from €11.10 to €45.52, and its average price is €29.08. It is then necessary to add the cost of your medical consultation to this price, which can range from €35 to €90.
Yasmin Price: Buy online
The price of Yasmin contraceptive pill online can be fairly attractive. It ranges from €20 to €25 for one month of treatment. Depending on the website, the prescription and the delivery charges are included.
Caution: Alfadoc always recommends that you go to your gynaecologist in order to carry out the medical examination and obtain a prescription before you purchase the pill in a pharmacy. However, if you wish to order online, beware of sites offering you low prices and promotions like “cheap Yasmin” or “cheaper Yasmin.” These sites often sell counterfeit drugs.
- Yasmin (ethinylestradiol and drospirenone): Netdoctor
- What happens if I miss a dose: Drugs
- Yasmin film-coated tablets 0.03mg/3mg: Medicines.org
Other information
Medical review on January 18, 2021 by Dr. Davis Taylor
Isabella · April 18, 2017 at 9:31 pm
Yasmin pill works very well for me. It’s perfectly adapted for my body and I don’t get painful periods or other problems.
Poppy · May 17, 2017 at 8:56 pm
I asked my doctor to prescribe me Yasmin as I was worried about gaining weight, especially on my thighs. I’ve been on the pill for 7 months and I’ve not seen any side effects. I’m still taking it.