We help you to understand and choose the medical treatments that are best for you, as safely as possible.
Discover the treatments for the following diseases
Make sure you are well informed before purchasing to avoid any risks
In an internet era, verified and reliable information on various existing drugs or treatments is becoming harder to come by. Therefore, many patients and individuals decide to take action based on false (or incomplete) information that they have found on the web. It is at this precise moment that they put their health at risk, and the consequences can be dramatic.
We have launched our site to completely avoid these scenarios. This site has no commercial drive, and its sole purpose is to inform readers about the numerous over-the-counter treatments in pharmacies today.
Moreover, with the arrival of many online pharmacies on the market, it is essential to choose the right platform to buy medication on the internet. Our teams provide you with the necessary information to avoid counterfeits and other pharmaceutical scams.
Of course, our opinions and our advices can never replace those of your doctor, which is why we strongly encourage that you consult the latter before taking any medication.
AlfaDoc aims to help users find the right information on all drugs. Our goal is to mainly treat products subject to medical prescription. As you can see, AlfaDoc is fully independent and does not depend on any pharmaceutical companies.
In order to make our website even more objective, we invite users who have previously used any of the drugs that we quote to express their opinions and feedback.
Medical review on August 18, 2021 by Dr. Davis Taylor